Passion for knitting and hobbies
We are starting this new store in Bruges with passion. We organize workshops and fun brain storming afternoons.
We offer products from quality brands.
Pay us a visit, get to know us or browse through our online shop.
Who and Why?
I am Shirley, I live in Bruges with my husband and 3 children.
As a child, I found it fascinating how my grandmother used 2 needles and a ball of wool to make a pair of house socks.
After numerous attempts to teach me how to knit, I gave up because my stitches were so tight on my needles that knitting became in vain.
When my nephew and niece were born a few years ago, my aunt knitted numerous sweaters with beautiful Disney characters from Phildar's books. Once again I envied her talent.
After a few more attempts to learn to knit on my own, I registered at CVO Sint-Godelieve (now CVO Miras) in Oostkamp. There where I had been taking knitting and crochet lessons for 8 years from the most patient teacher I know.
In addition to basic knitting, color knitting, relief knitting, lace knitting, etc., knitting needles have few secrets. I still take knitting lessons to keep my knowledge up to date and to follow the knitting trend.
After a few years the idea occurred to me to do something with this on a professional level.
After much deliberation, I finally decided to put my 14-year career as a civil servant aside and jump into limbo to pursue my dream.
I very much hope to meet you in “my” hobby corner in Bruges and to encourage you (again) to pick up those knitting needles... and to admire your creations.